Anarchy Outdoors CZ 457 Bottom Metal w/ Barricade Stop
Introducing an Anarchy Outdoors exclusive: The CZ 455 bottom metal and integrated small barricade stop. Each piece is manufactured from 7075 aluminum and anodized black to add that flare to your competition .22 rifle. The bottom metal adds rigidity for increase accuracy as the user can tune the accuracy by adjusting the torque on the action screws*. The biggest game-changer with this is the integrated barricade stop. By having it built as part of the CZ 455 bottom metal it provides extra strength and rigidity. Included with the package is an additional extra, extended magazine release to aid in quick change out of your magazine while maintaining your eye on the target during mag change outs.
Item Number: CZ-BM-457WBS
Rangeview Sports Canada
Licensed Gun Shop in Newmarket, Ontario