Boone and Crockett Club’s newest records book about North American hunting provides readers with an in-depth look at 100+ big-game trophies harvested by modern-day sportsmen. Not only does Back from the Hunt feature engrossing stories about the extraordinary hunting adventures, it’s also packed with hundreds of field photographs and detailed listings of 5,000+ big-game trophies accepted in the Club’s 28th Big Game Awards Period.
Each of the tales is told from the hunter’s perspective with details about researching trophy hunting areas, long-recognized family traditions along with new traditions in the making, once-in-a-lifetime accomplishments in the field, friendships made, and hardships endured. Back from the Hunt includes hunting stories for nearly every species of North American big game recognized by the Club ranging from the ever-popular whitetail deer and black bear to more obscure and adventurous species like mountain sheep, caribou, and cougars.
Readers will be delighted to read about Troy Sheldon’s new World’s Record Rocky Mountain goat taken in British Columbia’s Stikine River Drainage during the 2011 season. The billy was taken on the eighth day of Sheldon’s expedition with his long-time hunting friend Carey Renner. Sheldon was guided by well-known mountain hunting authority Heidi Gutfrucht. Other top trophies featured in Back from the Hunt include:
• Robert T. Christian’s black bear taken in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, which is the highest scoring black bear ever harvested by a hunter.
• Kevin S. Petrzilka’s monster typical whitetail scoring over 200 points taken in Nebraska in 2010.
• Mike Gallo’s Top 5 pronghorn taken during the 2011 season in New Mexico.
As the recognized authority in North American big-game records keeping, no B&C records book would be complete without a detailed listing of big-game trophies including date, location, final score, gross score, along with other interesting measurements for each trophy. More than 100 B&W field photographs are interspersed with trophy listings and a special full-color section includes 60 of the best field photographs the Club has seen over the past three years.
Back from the Hunt has something for every hunter… adventure, field photos, and data for researching your next hunting adventure!