This trifecta of rings is designed to create some resistance (gas seal) between the bolt and bolt carrier for some reason, likely to impart magical powers to the bolt. That, or to unload pressure on the locking lugs before the bolt is rotated out of the barrel extension. It could be either, we're not sure. You firearm will still work if one or two rings are broken. Hell, even if all of them are broken/worn out it may still function, but it puts unnecessary stress on the back of the locking lugs which may manifest as excessive wear or chipping.
You get:
Compatible with:
Installation Difficulty:
Tools required: Slot screw driver and or dental pick if you are very careful.
Installation notes: There are 3 of these buggers and they all have a split line sooooooo make sure that the 3 split lines do NOT line up, they should be staggered, in order to form a gas seal. If the splits line up, things won't work as well as they should over time and crud will build up. They will rotate over time and the splits will one day line up but I like to start helping the situation as much as possible.
Use the gas ring test: